
Uyeki DaniClin Anti-Mites W Care Repellent Spray 250ml 日本UYEKI 双效除螨清洁喷剂



  • Non-toxic mites repellent spray.
  • Can apply in environment with baby and pet.
  • Used it every 4 weeks.
  • DaniClin, a dust mite repellent, saves atopic babies and solves worries about allergies caused by dust mites and house dusts.
  • DaniClin is not a insecticide, but a natural product using non-toxic ingredients that dust mites hate.
  • With just a few times spraying, DaniClin will make the surface free from dust mites from pillows, beds, etc.
  • Where normally dust mites live on and reproduce in huge number and tend to cause itches and even atopic symptoms for babies.
  • Furthermore, DaniClin W Care type has advanced function to inactivate house dusts made of dead dust mites, their feces, pollens, etc. thus eases atopic babies and children who suffer from allergic reactions like asthma, skin allergies, etc.
  • 适用于棉被、地毯、梳化、毛绒玩具等
  • 只需轻轻一喷,有效抑制螨虫
  • 有效预防哮喘病、支气管炎、肾炎支气管炎、过敏性鼻炎等疾病
  • 效用可持续长达一个月,可经历 2-3 次清洗
  • 日本过敏症协会推荐
  • 经皮肤过敏测试,不刺激皮肤
  • 经急性毒性测试(经口服)为无毒,可安心使用
  • 有效切断尘螨食物来源、抑制螨虫生长
  • 有效降低环境过敏原、抗菌、温和、长效
  • 双效配方:抗花粉功效、除菌除臭 

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