MUHI Pocket Hk Insect Bites Liquid Antipruritics Roller 池田制药 凯蒂猫限定版 便携滚珠防蚊虫叮咬液 15ml

MUHI Pocket Hk Insect Bites Liquid Antipruritics Roller
  • Convenient portable pocket size that can be used anytime, anywhere It is a size antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent. 
  • Contains 2% anti-itch ingredient + a sharp refreshing sensation that works quickly on itching.
  • A roll-on type that can be applied quickly without getting your hands dirty.
池田制药 凯蒂猫限定版 便携滚珠防蚊虫叮咬液
  • 如唇膏大小的体型,便于随身携带,随时随地止痒无忧。

  • 性质温和安全,6个月以上的宝宝就可以使用。

  • 滚珠设计,使用方便舒适,直接滚动于被叮咬处的皮肤,快速止痒。

  • 特含清凉成分,使宝宝清凉舒适,痛痒全消。亦可用于皮炎、痱子。

  • 效能/效果: 瘙痒、虫咬、皮肤炎、荨麻疹、湿疹、痱子等。


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