ONOMA HydraAbuster Essence 韩国ONOMA 蓝色保湿锁水能量精华液 35ml


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ONOMA HydraAbuster Essence
“Find Your Own Essence”
Different formulations and natural ingredients for different skin types and needs. HYDRAbuster™ ESSENCE helps energize the skin, leaving skin looking radiant. Recommend to use with NO MORE TONER™ ESSENCE ACTIVATOR and LOCK-in_EFFECT™_ESSENCE_LOCKER for a better result.

- Contains 8 types of hyaluronic acids
- Moisturize dry skin effectively without leaving behind a greasy or oily residue.
- Watery syrup forms with quick absorption
- Apply multiple layers of essence helps boost skin health
【Key Ingredients】
Betaine from Sugar Beet: Helps absorb moisture
Hyaluronic acids: Helps the skin maintain moisture 
【How to use】
- Apply a few drops on your palm and pat gently on your face after cleansing.
- Or soak a cotton pad with essence and place it on the face for absorption.
【Product Details】
Volume: 35ml 
Shelf Life: 3 years
Country of Origin: South Korea
韩国ONOMA 蓝色保湿锁水能量精华液
ONOMA精华系列,透过不同的成分与组合方式,解决各种肌肤问题,给肌肤最合适的护理。透明的水感丝绸质地,清爽不黏腻且长效滋润,萃取甜菜根与八种玻尿酸精华制造而成的蓝色保湿锁水能量精华液,为干燥的肌肤注入满满的水分,让干燥肌变身水光肌,重新找回原有的水润光感。搭配"初步保湿精华活萃唤肤水" 及"ONOMA保湿精华乳霜系列"一起使用的话,效果更显着。

- 透明水感丝绸质地,吸收快速不黏腻。
- 富含8种玻尿酸精华,帮干燥的肌肤彻底补水。
- 调节油水平衡,让肌肤变得更有光泽水润。


功效: 锁水保湿
容量: 35ml
制造国: 韩国

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