Kose 高丝

KOSE PREDIA SPA et Mer Fango Double Cleanse 300g 高丝 贝缔雅 海沁泉矿物泥洁肤霜


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KOSE PREDIA SPA et Mer Fango Double Cleanse

● A cleansing agent that removes makeup makeup, pore dirt, and oxidized sebum.
● Soft cream spreads and gently removes dirt.
● After washing, the skin is supple and translucent, just like after a spa treatment.
● It is a light and clear scent that softens the skin and mind.
● Natural mineral mud combination

How to use
Take an amount of cherries on the palm of your hand and gently apply it with your fingertips to make-up agents such as foundation and dirt.
Then rinse with water or lukewarm water.

高丝 贝缔雅 海沁泉矿物泥洁肤霜


感应卸妆 乳霜瞬间溶解彩妆和顽垢
清爽卸妆 柔滑质感 告别堵塞黏腻
柔和洁肤 褐藻·绿藻·角鲨烷 柔软角质又保湿
深层清洁 天然矿物泥 深入毛孔去污垢
水润保湿 SEA & SPA水 击退紧绷感
护肤打底 天然滋养 夯实护肤基础




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