KOSE Sekkisei Limited Edition Skin Clear Wellness UV Defense Tone Up Gel 日本本土21年限定雪肌精 逸透亮采防晒乳 70g
KOSE Sekkisei Limited Edition Skin Clear Wellness UV Defense Tone Up Gel
70g SPF35/PA+++
Covers dullness naturally, for soft and glowing skin. Lavender-colored tone-correcting UV gel.
- Nature’s blessings, born from our beautiful Earth, in concentrated form. Reverse damage with the power of hydration.
The more product you apply, the more your skin is protected. Protect the natural glow of bare skin with our tone-correcting UV gel. - Formulated with a lavender color for a clear, healthy-looking complexion and brightening powder for brighter skin. Naturally covers dullness while imparting a clearer, brighter finish.
- Formulated with Damage Resistant Complex. Naturally sourced ingredients protect against damage from UV rays.
- 84% ITOWA formulation serum. Fills the stratum corneum with moisture and elevates the quantity and quality of the moisture barrier to achieve healthy skin without issues of dryness or irritation.
- Protects skin against not only UV rays, but also dryness and airborne particles (dirt, dust, pollen, etc.).
- Protects skin against even the strongest UV rays to prevent the dark spots and freckles caused by sun exposure.
- Can also be used as a makeup base.
- Easily removed. Can be removed with regular facial cleanser or body soap.
- The clean fragrance evokes the breath of nature.
- UV absorbent free, paraben free
- Tested for allergies and skin irritation, patch tested
Suitable for sensitive skin
Not guaranteed to be non-allergenic for all users. - Can be used on the face or body.
How to use
- Apply a sufficient amount and spread evenly.
- For the face, use as the last step in your morning skincare routine.
- For the body, apply directly to the skin in a line, then rub in circles with palms to spread evenly.
雪肌精 逸透亮采防晒乳
70g SPF35/PA+++
- 凝聚源自美丽地球的天然营养。以强大保湿力修护肌肤损伤。
涂抹越多,肌肤防护力越强。用修颜防晒凝胶守护裸肌的天然光泽。 - 以薰衣草色调缔造净透健康的肤色,以亮肤粉末塑造亮采肌肤。自然遮盖暗沉,同时令肌肤愈显净透亮采。
- 蕴含抗损伤复合物。天然成分保护肌肤不受紫外线伤害。
- 84%ITOWA配方精华。为角质层补充水分,提升保湿屏障的数量和质量,塑造健康肌肤,远离干燥或刺激。
- 帮助肌肤防护紫外线的同时,抵御干燥和空气中的颗粒(污垢、灰尘、花粉等)。
- 帮助肌肤抵御强烈的紫外线,预防由日晒引起的暗斑和雀斑。
- 也可作为底妆使用。
- 可轻松卸除。
- 使用普通的洁面产品或沐浴皂即可卸除。
- 散发清爽香味,饱含大自然的气息。
- 不含紫外线吸收剂,不含对羟基苯甲酸酯(防腐剂)
- 通过过敏性测试、肌肤刺激性测试和斑片测试
- 适合敏感肌使用
不能保证所有用户均不会出现过敏。 - 可用于面部或身体。
- 取足量均匀涂抹于肌肤上。
- 如用于面部,可作为晨间护肤程序的最后一步使用。
- 如用于身体,可直接将产品涂抹于肌肤,然后以画圈手法用手掌均匀涂抹。