Paul & Joe Spring 2024 Eyebrow Mascara (04 Plum Red) Paul & Joe 2024春季限定 造型眉彩膏 (04 梅子红) 5g
Paul & Joe 2024 Eyebrow Mascara
EYEBROW MASCARA, which allows you to instantly switch the color of your eyebrows and create a soft, light look, is debuting with a color lineup of five shades: easy-to-use brown and grey, modern khaki, sensual mauve red, and powerful yellow gold. You can color your eyebrows to match, or intentionally not to match, your outfit, makeup, or hair color according to how you feel each day.
The MASCARA colors every eyebrow hair with a soft texture and clear color with nuance, creating a natural finish—a soft, beautiful look that appears natural and light as if dyed—while allowing you to enjoy coloring. The low-viscosity base spreads smoothly and freshly and adheres to the eyebrows evenly, and won’t look thick even when layered. The short, dense brush catches every eyebrow hair to spread the color evenly.
For a soft texture creating a natural finish, two types of film-forming agents that create a soft coat without hardening the hairs are used to delicately and softly coat every hair rather than unnaturally hardening the eyebrows. Additionally, soft smooth powder1 diffuses light to create a soft and mat look.
The coat is fast-drying to prevent rubbing and bleeding. Two types of film-forming agents help the coat firmly adhere to the eyebrow hairs. The surface-treated pigments have adhesive and water-repellent properties so that the beautiful finish will last for hours.
*Made in JAPAN
Paul & Joe 2024春季限定造型眉彩膏
造型眉彩膏为每根眉毛染上美丽色调,质感柔软,颜色清澈而细腻,塑造自然眉妆——像染了色般自然、轻盈,漂亮柔美,同时让你享受百变眉色的乐趣。基底配方黏稠度低,涂起来非常顺滑清爽,均匀地包住眉毛,即使层叠上色亦没有厚重感觉。眉扫的刷毛短小而细密,能抓住每根眉毛,使色彩均匀分佈。为塑造自然效果及柔软质感,配方结合两种可形成柔软色膜而不令眉毛僵硬的成膜因子,细腻而柔软地包住每根眉毛,而不会令眉毛产生不自然的僵硬感。 此外,柔软滑感粉末1可散射光线,缔造柔和雾感效果。
快速干透的眉妆薄膜,抗磨擦、防晕染外溢。 配方结合两种成膜因子,帮助色膜紧紧贴附眉毛上。 色素经过加工处理,表层具有特强黏附力及防水特性,确保美丽眉妆长时间保持漂亮。