
Tsubaki Oil Styling Brush 池本 天然山茶花油健康护发梳子

  • Main lipid content of camellia oil is very similar to our skin content
  • Safe for a delicate skin
  • Please read the instructions included in the product

池本含樁花油(山茶花油)柔順梳,梳頭的兩側有2片沾滿椿油的黑色薄片,讓您邊梳邊保養 雖含有椿油但不油膩且不易拉扯髮絲,讓您的頭髮有光澤更柔順較不毛燥

Suguremono A: Ikemoto camellia oil impregnation styling brush TSU ...JAPAN IKEMOTO TSUBAKI(CAMELLIA)OIL STYLING HAIR BRUSH BEAUTY CARE ...auc-cosmestreet: Camellia oil impregnation styling brush TSU120N ...


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